Real-time, ultra-low-latency audio and sensor processing system for BeagleBone Black
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GUI graph

Is this project you can find a sketch.js file which is a p5.js file that is rendered in a browser tab. Click the GUI button (next to the Scope button) in the IDE to see the rendering of this file.

This example sends voltage readings from one of the analog inputs in Bela and the corresponding timestamp (in milliseconds) to be represented as a graph in the browser. Buffers are sent with id 0 and 1 corresponding to the timestamps and the voltage respectively: gui.sendBuffer(0, gTimestamps); gui.sendBuffer(1, gVoltage);

The p5.js file displays the received data in a graph using a library called grafica.js The graph will be updated with new values until the page is refreshed, Pressing the space bar will stop the auto scrolling and allow to scroll manually and zoom in to se the values of the different points. Pressing the space bar again will resume the auto scrolling.

If you want to edit sketch.js you can do so in the browser but must write your p5.js code in instance mode.

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#include <Bela.h>
#include <vector>
#include <libraries/Gui/Gui.h>
// GUI object declaration
Gui gui;
// Vector that will hold the timestamps
std::vector <float> gTimestamps;
// Vector that will hold the voltage readings
std::vector <float> gVoltage;
// Analog sensor channel
int gSensorChanel = 0;
// Period after which a reading from the analog input will be taken (seconds)
float gReadPeriod = 0.01;
// Period after which buffers will be sent to the browser (seconds)
float gSendPeriod = 1;
float gLastTimeRecorded = 0;
float gInverseAnalogSampleRate = 0;
// Range of analog inputs
float gAnalogScale = 4.096; //volt
bool setup(BelaContext *context, void *userData)
// Setup GUI. By default, the Bela GUI runs on port 5555 and address 'gui'
// maximum number of elements to have in the array ()
unsigned int numElements = gSendPeriod / gReadPeriod + 0.5;
gInverseAnalogSampleRate = 1/context->analogSampleRate;
return true;
void render(BelaContext *context, void *userData)
static int readFramesElapsed = 0;
static int sendFramesElapsed = 0;
for(unsigned int n = 0; n < context->analogFrames; ++n) {
// Read analog input once enough frames have elapsed
if(readFramesElapsed > gReadPeriod * context->analogSampleRate) {
// Get milliseconds elapsed since last reading.
float millis = gLastTimeRecorded + 1000*readFramesElapsed*gInverseAnalogSampleRate;
gLastTimeRecorded = millis;
// Scale analog reading to voltage
float analogVolt = gAnalogScale * analogRead(context, n, gSensorChanel);
// Update vectors
readFramesElapsed = 0;
// Send data to GUI for visualisation once enough frames have elapsed
if(sendFramesElapsed > gSendPeriod * context->analogSampleRate) {
// If GUI is connected
if(gui.isConnected()) {
// send buffers
gui.sendBuffer(0, gTimestamps);
gui.sendBuffer(1, gVoltage);
// delete vectors holding timestamps and readings
sendFramesElapsed = 0;
void cleanup(BelaContext *context, void *userData)