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ADSR envelope generator

This sketch demonstrates how to make a simple oscillator with different waveforms and how to use the ADSR library to apply an envelope to an audio signal.

The ADSR gate is controlled by a button connected to digital pin 0. When the button is pressed the gate is turned ON and when it is released the gate is turned OFF.

The oscillator has 4 different waveforms available: sinewave, square wave, triangle wave and sawtooth. A button connected to digital pin 1. When the button is pressed the waveform of the oscillator changes. Continuous presses of the button will cycle over the different waveforms.

The frequency of the oscillator and the parameters of the ADSR are fixed to some predefined values in global variables. You can explore how to change these at runtime.

To learn more about ADSRs and how to use the ADSR library, make sure to check Nigel Redmon's fantastic blog:

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#include <Bela.h>
#include <cmath>
#include <libraries/ADSR/ADSR.h>
ADSR envelope; // ADSR envelope
float gAttack = 0.1; // Envelope attack (seconds)
float gDecay = 0.25; // Envelope decay (seconds)
float gRelease = 0.5; // Envelope release (seconds)
float gSustain = 1.0; // Envelope sustain level
float gFrequency = 320.0; // Oscillator frequency (Hz)
float gPhase; // Oscillator phase
float gInverseSampleRate;
// Oscillator type
enum osc_type
sine, // 0
triangle, // 1
square, // 2
sawtooth, // 3
unsigned int gOscType = 0; // Selected oscillator type
float gAmplitude = 0.3f; // Amplitude scaling for oscillator's envelope
int gTriggerButtonPin = 0; // Digital pin to which gate button should be connected
int gTriggerButtonLastStatus = 0; // Last status of gate button
int gModeButtonPin = 1; // Digital pin to which oscillator selection button should be connected
int gModeButtonLastStatus = 0; // Last status of oscillator selection button
bool setup(BelaContext *context, void *userData)
gInverseSampleRate = 1.0 / context->audioSampleRate;
gPhase = 0.0;
// Set ADSR parameters
envelope.setAttackRate(gAttack * context->audioSampleRate);
envelope.setDecayRate(gDecay * context->audioSampleRate);
envelope.setReleaseRate(gRelease * context->audioSampleRate);
// Set buttons pins as inputs
pinMode(context, 0, gTriggerButtonPin, INPUT);
pinMode(context, 0, gModeButtonPin, INPUT);
return true;
void render(BelaContext *context, void *userData)
for(unsigned int n = 0; n < context->audioFrames; n++) {
// Read status of gate button
int triggerButtonStatus = digitalRead(context, n, gTriggerButtonPin);
// If gate button has been pressed...
if(triggerButtonStatus && !gTriggerButtonLastStatus) {
// ...turn ON the envelope's gate
rt_printf("Gate on\n");
// If button has been depressed...
} else if (!triggerButtonStatus && gTriggerButtonLastStatus) {
// ...turn OFF the envelope's gate
rt_printf("Gate off\n");
// Store last status
gTriggerButtonLastStatus = triggerButtonStatus;
// Read status of oscillator mode selector button
int modeButtonStatus = digitalRead(context, 0, gModeButtonPin);
// If button has been pressed...
if(modeButtonStatus && !gModeButtonLastStatus) {
// Change oscillator type
gOscType += 1;
// Wrap around number of different oscillator types if counter is out of bounds
if(gOscType >= numOscTypes)
gOscType = 0;
rt_printf("Oscillator type: %d\n", gOscType);
// Store last status
gModeButtonLastStatus = modeButtonStatus;
float amp = gAmplitude * envelope.process();
// Calculate output based on the selected oscillator mode
float out;
switch(gOscType) {
case sine:
out = sinf(gPhase);
case triangle:
if (gPhase > 0) {
out = -1 + (2 * gPhase / (float)M_PI);
} else {
out = -1 - (2 * gPhase/ (float)M_PI);
case square:
if (gPhase > 0) {
out = 1;
} else {
out = -1;
case sawtooth:
out = 1 - (1 / (float)M_PI * gPhase);
out = amp * out;
// Compute phase
gPhase += 2.0f * (float)M_PI * gFrequency * gInverseSampleRate;
if(gPhase > M_PI)
gPhase -= 2.0f * (float)M_PI;
// Write output to different channels
for(unsigned int channel = 0; channel < context->audioOutChannels; channel++) {
audioWrite(context, n, channel, out);
void cleanup(BelaContext *context, void *userData)