Real-time, ultra-low-latency audio and sensor processing system for BeagleBone Black
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Connecting MIDI devices to Bela!

Connect a USB MIDI device to Bela and try out our MIDI API. This example by default opens the MIDI port "hw:1,0,0", which normally corresponds to the first USB device that is plugged in. You can run amidi -l on the terminal to check which devices are available and edit this file accordingly. The device "hw:0,0,0" is (on Bela images v0.3 and above) a virtual MIDI device to the host computer over the USB port.

Every time a MIDI message comes in, the midiMessageCallback() function is called. In this example, we detect NoteOn messages and we use them to generate a sinewave with given frequency and amplitude. We can also write MIDI messages, by sending a sequence of bytes with writeOutput().

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#include <Bela.h>
#include <libraries/Midi/Midi.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <cmath>
float gFreq;
float gPhaseIncrement = 0;
bool gIsNoteOn = 0;
int gVelocity = 0;
float gSamplingPeriod = 0;
int gSampleCount = 44100; // how often to send out a control change
* This callback is called every time a new input Midi message is available
* Note that this is called in a different thread than the audio processing one.
void midiMessageCallback(MidiChannelMessage message, void* arg){
if(arg != NULL){
rt_printf("Message from midi port %s ", (const char*) arg);
if(message.getType() == kmmNoteOn){
gFreq = powf(2, (message.getDataByte(0) - 69) / 12.f) * 440.f;
gVelocity = message.getDataByte(1);
gPhaseIncrement = 2.f * (float)M_PI * gFreq * gSamplingPeriod;
gIsNoteOn = gVelocity > 0;
rt_printf("v0:%f, ph: %6.5f, gVelocity: %d\n", gFreq, gPhaseIncrement, gVelocity);
void sysexCallback(midi_byte_t byte, void* arg)
printf("Sysex byte");
if(arg != NULL){
printf(" from midi port %s", (const char*) arg);
printf(": %d\n", byte);
Midi midi;
const char* gMidiPort0 = "hw:1,0,0";
bool setup(BelaContext *context, void *userData)
midi.getParser()->setCallback(midiMessageCallback, (void*) gMidiPort0);
midi.getParser()->setSysexCallback(sysexCallback, (void*) gMidiPort0);
gSamplingPeriod = 1 / context->audioSampleRate;
return true;
enum {kVelocity, kNoteOn, kNoteNumber};
void render(BelaContext *context, void *userData)
// one way of getting the midi data is to parse them yourself
// (you should set midi.enableParser(false) above):
static midi_byte_t noteOnStatus = 0x90; //on channel 1
static int noteNumber = 0;
static int waitingFor = kNoteOn;
static int playingNote = -1;
int message;
while ((message = midi.getInput()) >= 0){
rt_printf("%d\n", message);
case kNoteOn:
if(message == noteOnStatus){
waitingFor = kNoteNumber;
case kNoteNumber:
if((message & (1<<8)) == 0){
noteNumber = message;
waitingFor = kVelocity;
case kVelocity:
if((message & (1<<8)) == 0){
int _velocity = message;
waitingFor = kNoteOn;
// "monophonic" behaviour, with priority to the latest note on
// i.e.: a note off from a previous note does not stop the current note
// still you might end up having a key down and no note being played if you pressed and released another
// key in the meantime
if(_velocity == 0 && noteNumber == playingNote){
noteOn = false;
playingNote = -1;
velocity = _velocity;
} else if (_velocity > 0) {
noteOn = true;
velocity = _velocity;
playingNote = noteNumber;
f0 = powf(2, (playingNote-69)/12.0f) * 440;
phaseIncrement = 2 * M_PI * f0 / context->audioSampleRate;
rt_printf("NoteOn: %d, NoteNumber: %d, velocity: %d\n", noteOn, noteNumber, velocity);
* alternatively, you can use the built-in parser (only processes channel messages at the moment).
int num;
while((num = midi.getParser()->numAvailableMessages()) > 0){
static MidiChannelMessage message;
message = midi.getParser()->getNextChannelMessage();
if(message.getType() == kmmNoteOn){
f0 = powf(2, (message.getDataByte(0)-69)/12.0f) * 440;
velocity = message.getDataByte(1);
phaseIncrement = 2 * M_PI * f0 / context->audioSampleRate;
noteOn = velocity > 0;
rt_printf("v0:%f, ph: %6.5f, velocity: %d\n", f0, phaseIncrement, gVelocity);
* A third alternative, the one currently active in this example, is to set a callback
* which gets called every time a new input message is available.
* See midiMessageCallback above.
// using MIDI control changes
for(unsigned int n = 0; n < context->audioFrames; n++){
float value;
if(gIsNoteOn == 1){
static float phase = 0;
phase += gPhaseIncrement;
if(phase > M_PI)
phase -= 2.f * (float)M_PI;
value = sinf(phase) * gVelocity/128.0f;
} else {
value = 0;
for(unsigned int ch = 0; ch < context->audioOutChannels; ++ch)
audioWrite(context, n, ch, value);
// the following block sends a control change output every gSampleCount samples
static int count = 0;
if(count % gSampleCount == 0){
static bool state = 0;
state = !state;
midi_byte_t statusByte = 0xB0; // control change on channel 0
midi_byte_t controller = 30; // controller number 30
midi_byte_t value = state * 127; // value : 0 or 127
midi_byte_t bytes[3] = {statusByte, controller, value};
midi.writeOutput(bytes, 3); // send a control change message
void cleanup(BelaContext *context, void *userData)