Real-time, ultra-low-latency audio and sensor processing system for BeagleBone Black
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Open Sound Control

This example shows an implementation of OSC (Open Sound Control) which was developed at UC Berkeley Center for New Music and Audio Technology (CNMAT).

It is designed to be run alongside resources/osc/osc.js. For the example to work, run in a terminal on the board ``` node /root/Bela/resources/osc/osc.js ```

In setup() an OSC message to address /osc-setup, it then waits 1 second for a reply on /osc-setup-reply.

After that, OSC communication takes place in the on_receive() callback, which is called every time a new message comes in.

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#include <Bela.h>
#include <libraries/OscSender/OscSender.h>
#include <libraries/OscReceiver/OscReceiver.h>
OscReceiver oscReceiver;
OscSender oscSender;
int localPort = 7562;
int remotePort = 7563;
const char* remoteIp = "";
// parse messages received by the OSC receiver
// msg is Message class of oscpkt:
bool handshakeReceived;
void on_receive(oscpkt::Message* msg, const char* addr, void* arg)
printf("From %s\n", addr);
handshakeReceived = true;
else if(msg->match("/osc-test")){
int intArg;
float floatArg;
printf("received a message with int %i and float %f\n", intArg, floatArg);
oscSender.newMessage("/osc-acknowledge").add(intArg).add(4.2f).add(std::string("OSC message received")).send();
bool setup(BelaContext *context, void *userData)
oscReceiver.setup(localPort, on_receive);
oscSender.setup(remotePort, remoteIp);
// the following code sends an OSC message to address /osc-setup
// then waits 1 second for a reply on /osc-setup-reply
int count = 0;
int timeoutCount = 10;
printf("Waiting for handshake ....\n");
while(!handshakeReceived && ++count != timeoutCount)
if (handshakeReceived) {
printf("handshake received!\n");
} else {
printf("timeout! : did you start the node server? `node /root/Bela/resources/osc/osc.js\n");
return false;
return true;
void render(BelaContext *context, void *userData)
void cleanup(BelaContext *context, void *userData)