Real-time, ultra-low-latency audio and sensor processing system for BeagleBone Black
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Testing the functionalities of the Bela cape

This program checks that audio and analog I/O work properly. You should physically connect each audio and analog output back to its respective input.

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#include <Bela.h>
#include <cmath>
#include <Gpio.h>
enum {
kStateTestingAudioLeft = 0,
uint64_t gLastErrorFrame = 0;
uint32_t gEnvelopeSampleCount = 0;
float gEnvelopeValueL = 0.5, gEnvelopeValueR = 0.5;
float gEnvelopeDecayRate = 0.9995;
int gEnvelopeLastChannel = 0;
float gPositivePeakLevels[2] = {0, 0};
float gNegativePeakLevels[2] = {0, 0};
float gPeakLevelDecayRate = 0.999;
int gAnalogTestSuccessCounter = 0;
const float gPeakLevelLowThreshold = 0.02;
const float gPeakLevelHighThreshold = 0.2;
const float gDCOffsetThreshold = 0.1;
int gAudioTestState = kStateTestingNone;
int gAudioTestStateSampleCount = 0;
int gAudioTestSuccessCounter = 0;
const int gAudioTestSuccessCounterThreshold = 64;
const int gAudioTestStateSampleThreshold = 16384;
Gpio* led1;
Gpio* led2;
bool setup(BelaContext *context, void *userData)
printf("To prepare for this test you should physically connect each audio and analog output back to its respective input\n");
if(context->analogOutChannels == 0)
printf("On Bela Mini, feed back the line out L to audio in L and analogs 0, 2, 4, 6, and a feed the line out R to audio in L and analogs 1, 3, 5 ,7\n");
// Bela Mini: it has no analog outs, so we feed the
// analog inputs from the line out (DC-coupled).
ANALOG_OUT_LOW = -1; // 0.19V
ANALOG_OUT_HIGH = 1; // 2.6V
// also init the LEDs as outputs
led1 = new Gpio;
led1->open(87, Gpio::OUTPUT);
led2 = new Gpio;
led2->open(89, Gpio::OUTPUT);
} else {
ANALOG_OUT_HIGH = 50000.0 / 65536.0;
ANALOG_IN_LOW = 2048.0 / 65536.0;
ANALOG_IN_HIGH = 50000.0 / 65536.0;
return true;
void render(BelaContext *context, void *userData)
// float* aoc = (float*)&context->analogOutChannels;
// *aoc = 0; // simulate Bela Mini. Should also change the condition in setup() accordingly
static float phase = 0.0;
static int sampleCounter = 0;
static int invertChannel = 0;
float frequency = 0;
if(gAudioTestState == kStateTestingNone){
gAudioTestState = kStateTestingAudioLeft;
rt_printf("Testing audio left\n");
if(gAudioTestState == kStateTestingAudioDone)
gAudioTestState = kStateTestingAnalog;
rt_printf("Testing analog\n");
// Play a sine wave on the audio output
for(unsigned int n = 0; n < context->audioFrames; n++) {
// Peak detection on the audio inputs, with offset to catch
// DC errors
for(unsigned int ch = 0; ch < context->audioInChannels; ch++) {
float value = audioRead(context, n, ch);
if(value > gPositivePeakLevels[ch])
gPositivePeakLevels[ch] = value;
gPositivePeakLevels[ch] += 0.1f;
gPositivePeakLevels[ch] *= gPeakLevelDecayRate;
gPositivePeakLevels[ch] -= 0.1f;
if(value < gNegativePeakLevels[ch])
gNegativePeakLevels[ch] = value;
gNegativePeakLevels[ch] -= 0.1f;
gNegativePeakLevels[ch] *= gPeakLevelDecayRate;
gNegativePeakLevels[ch] += 0.1f;
int enabledChannel;
int disabledChannel;
const char* enabledChannelLabel;
const char* disabledChannelLabel;
if(gAudioTestState == kStateTestingAudioLeft) {
enabledChannel = 0;
disabledChannel = 1;
enabledChannelLabel = "Left";
disabledChannelLabel = "Right";
} else if (gAudioTestState == kStateTestingAudioRight) {
enabledChannel = 1;
disabledChannel = 0;
enabledChannelLabel = "Right";
disabledChannelLabel = "Left";
if(gAudioTestState == kStateTestingAudioLeft || gAudioTestState == kStateTestingAudioRight)
audioWrite(context, n, enabledChannel, 0.2f * sinf(phase));
audioWrite(context, n, disabledChannel, 0);
frequency = 3000.0;
phase += 2.0f * (float)M_PI * frequency / context->audioSampleRate;
if(phase >= M_PI)
phase -= 2.0f * (float)M_PI;
if(gAudioTestStateSampleCount >= gAudioTestStateSampleThreshold) {
// Check if we have the expected input: signal on the enabledChannel but not
// on the disabledChannel. Also check that there is not too much DC offset on the
// inactive channel
if((gPositivePeakLevels[enabledChannel] - gNegativePeakLevels[enabledChannel]) >= gPeakLevelHighThreshold
&& (gPositivePeakLevels[disabledChannel] - gNegativePeakLevels[disabledChannel]) <= gPeakLevelLowThreshold &&
fabsf(gPositivePeakLevels[disabledChannel]) < gDCOffsetThreshold &&
fabsf(gNegativePeakLevels[disabledChannel]) < gDCOffsetThreshold) {
// Successful test: increment counter
if(gAudioTestSuccessCounter >= gAudioTestSuccessCounterThreshold) {
rt_printf("Audio %s test successful\n", enabledChannelLabel);
if(gAudioTestState == kStateTestingAudioLeft)
gAudioTestState = kStateTestingAudioRight;
rt_printf("Testing audio Right\n");
} else if(gAudioTestState == kStateTestingAudioRight)
gAudioTestState = kStateTestingAudioDone;
gAudioTestStateSampleCount = 0;
gAudioTestSuccessCounter = 0;
else {
if(!((context->audioFramesElapsed + n) % 22050)) {
// Debugging print messages
if((gPositivePeakLevels[enabledChannel] - gNegativePeakLevels[enabledChannel]) < gPeakLevelHighThreshold)
rt_printf("%s Audio In FAIL: insufficient signal: %f\n", enabledChannelLabel,
gPositivePeakLevels[enabledChannel] - gNegativePeakLevels[enabledChannel]);
else if(gPositivePeakLevels[disabledChannel] - gNegativePeakLevels[disabledChannel] > gPeakLevelLowThreshold)
rt_printf("%s Audio In FAIL: signal present when it should not be: %f\n", disabledChannelLabel,
gPositivePeakLevels[disabledChannel] - gNegativePeakLevels[disabledChannel]);
else if(fabsf(gPositivePeakLevels[disabledChannel]) >= gDCOffsetThreshold ||
fabsf(gNegativePeakLevels[disabledChannel]) >= gDCOffsetThreshold)
rt_printf("%s Audio In FAIL: DC offset: (%f, %f)\n", disabledChannelLabel,
gPositivePeakLevels[disabledChannel], gNegativePeakLevels[disabledChannel]);
if(gAudioTestSuccessCounter <= 0)
gAudioTestSuccessCounter = 0;
gAudioTestState == kStateTestingAnalogDone || // Bela Mini: the audio outs are used also for testing analogs, so we only play the tone at the end of all tests
(gAudioTestState >= kStateTestingAudioDone && context->analogOutChannels) // Bela: we play as soon as testing audio ends, while live-testing the analogs.
// Audio input testing finished. Play tones depending on status of
// analog testing
audioWrite(context, n, 0, gEnvelopeValueL * sinf(phase));
audioWrite(context, n, 1, gEnvelopeValueR * sinf(phase));
// If one second has gone by with no error, play one sound, else
// play another
if(context->audioFramesElapsed + n - gLastErrorFrame > context->audioSampleRate)
gEnvelopeValueL *= gEnvelopeDecayRate;
gEnvelopeValueR *= gEnvelopeDecayRate;
if(gEnvelopeSampleCount > 22050) {
if(gEnvelopeLastChannel == 0)
gEnvelopeValueR = 0.5;
gEnvelopeValueL = 0.5;
gEnvelopeLastChannel = !gEnvelopeLastChannel;
gEnvelopeSampleCount = 0;
frequency = 880.0;
led1->write(gEnvelopeValueL > 0.2);
led2->write(gEnvelopeValueR > 0.2);
} else {
gEnvelopeValueL = gEnvelopeValueR = 0.5;
gEnvelopeLastChannel = 0;
frequency = 220.0;
phase += 2.0f * (float)M_PI * frequency / context->audioSampleRate;
if(phase >= M_PI)
phase -= 2.0f * (float)M_PI;
unsigned int outChannels = context->analogOutChannels ? context->analogOutChannels : context->audioOutChannels;
unsigned int outFrames = context->analogOutChannels ? context->analogFrames : context->audioFrames;
if(gAudioTestState == kStateTestingAnalog)
for(unsigned int n = 0; n < outFrames; n++) {
// Change outputs every 512 samples
for(unsigned int k = 0; k < outChannels; k++) {
float outValue;
if((k % outChannels) == (invertChannel % outChannels))
outValue = sampleCounter < 512 ? ANALOG_OUT_HIGH : ANALOG_OUT_LOW;
outValue = sampleCounter < 512 ? ANALOG_OUT_LOW : ANALOG_OUT_HIGH;
if(context->analogOutChannels == 0)
audioWrite(context, n, k%2, outValue); // Bela Mini, using audio outs instead
analogWriteOnce(context, n, k, outValue); // Bela
for(unsigned int n = 0; n < context->analogFrames; n++) {
// Read after 256 samples: input should be low (high for inverted)
// Read after 768 samples: input should be high (low for inverted)
if(sampleCounter == 256 || sampleCounter == 768) {
for(unsigned int k = 0; k < context->analogInChannels; k++) {
float inValue = analogRead(context, n, k);
bool inverted = ((k % outChannels) == (invertChannel % outChannels));
inverted &&
(sampleCounter == 256 && inValue < ANALOG_IN_HIGH) ||
(sampleCounter == 768 && inValue > ANALOG_IN_LOW)
) || (
!inverted &&
(sampleCounter == 256 && inValue > ANALOG_IN_LOW) ||
(sampleCounter == 768 && inValue < ANALOG_IN_HIGH)
rt_printf("Analog FAIL [output %d, input %d] -- output %s input %f %s\n",
k % outChannels,
(sampleCounter == 256 && inverted) || (sampleCounter == 768 && !inverted) ? "HIGH" : "LOW",
inverted ? "(inverted channel)" : "");
gLastErrorFrame = context->audioFramesElapsed + n;
gAnalogTestSuccessCounter = 0;
} else {
if(++sampleCounter >= 1024) {
sampleCounter = 0;
if(invertChannel >= 8)
invertChannel = 0;
if(gAnalogTestSuccessCounter >= 500) {
static bool notified = false;
rt_printf("Analog test successful\n");
gAudioTestState = kStateTestingAnalogDone;
notified = true;
void cleanup(BelaContext *context, void *userData)
delete led1;
delete led2;