Real-time, ultra-low-latency audio and sensor processing system for BeagleBone Black
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Oscillator Bank

These files demonstrate the ultra-efficient oscillator bank class.

OscillatorBank::init() allocates the needed buffers.

OscillatorBank::getWavetable() gives access to the wavetable. The user has to populate it with one period of the desired waveform. Note that the length of the waveform is (getWavetableLength() + 1) and the last sample must be the same as the first sample.

OscillatorBank::setAmplitude() and OscillatorBank::setFrequency() can be used to set the amplitude and frequency of individual oscillators. These can be changed at any point during the execution of the program.

OscillatorBank::process(int frames, float* output) writes frames values to the output array.

This program can run with a large number of oscillators (> 500, depending on the settings in use). Updating the frequencies of a large number of oscillators from within render(), for every sample or for every block would add significatively to the computational load. For this reason, we factored out the frequency update in an AuxiliaryTask which runs at most every 128 samples. If needed, the AuxiliaryTask will split the load over time across multiple calls to render(), thus avoiding audio dropouts.

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#include <Bela.h>
#include <stdlib.h> //random
#include <math.h> //sinf
#include <time.h> //time
#include <libraries/OscillatorBank/OscillatorBank.h>
const float kMinimumFrequency = 20.0f;
const float kMaximumFrequency = 8000.0f;
int gSampleCount; // Sample counter for indicating when to update frequencies
float gNewMinFrequency;
float gNewMaxFrequency;
// Task for handling the update of the frequencies using the analog inputs
AuxiliaryTask gFrequencyUpdateTask;
// These settings are carried over from main.cpp
// Setting global variables is an alternative approach
// to passing a structure to userData in setup()
int gNumOscillators = 500;
int gWavetableLength = 1024;
void recalculate_frequencies(void*);
bool setup(BelaContext *context, void *userData)
if(context->audioOutChannels != 2) {
rt_printf("Error: this example needs stereo audio enabled\n");
return false;
osc.setup(context->audioSampleRate, gWavetableLength, gNumOscillators);
// Fill in the wavetable with one period of your waveform
float* wavetable = osc.getWavetable();
for(int n = 0; n < osc.getWavetableLength() + 1; n++){
wavetable[n] = sinf(2.0 * M_PI * (float)n / (float)osc.getWavetableLength());
// Initialise frequency and amplitude
float freq = kMinimumFrequency;
float increment = (kMaximumFrequency - kMinimumFrequency) / (float)gNumOscillators;
for(int n = 0; n < gNumOscillators; n++) {
if(context->analogFrames == 0) {
// Random frequencies when used without analogInputs
osc.setFrequency(n, kMinimumFrequency + (kMaximumFrequency - kMinimumFrequency) * ((float)random() / (float)RAND_MAX));
else {
// Constant spread of frequencies when used with analogInputs
osc.setFrequency(n, freq);
freq += increment;
osc.setAmplitude(n, (float)random() / (float)RAND_MAX / (float)gNumOscillators);
increment = 0;
freq = 440.0;
for(int n = 0; n < gNumOscillators; n++) {
// Update the frequencies to a regular spread, plus a small amount of randomness
// to avoid weird phase effects
float randScale = 0.99 + .02 * (float)random() / (float)RAND_MAX;
float newFreq = freq * randScale;
// For efficiency, frequency is expressed in change in wavetable position per sample, not Hz or radians
osc.setFrequency(n, newFreq);
freq += increment;
// Initialise auxiliary tasks
if((gFrequencyUpdateTask = Bela_createAuxiliaryTask(&recalculate_frequencies, 85, "bela-update-frequencies")) == 0)
return false;
gSampleCount = 0;
return true;
void render(BelaContext *context, void *userData)
float arr[context->audioFrames];
// Render audio frames
osc.process(context->audioFrames, arr);
for(unsigned int n = 0; n < context->audioFrames; ++n){
audioWrite(context, n, 0, arr[n]);
audioWrite(context, n, 1, arr[n]);
if(context->analogFrames != 0 && (gSampleCount += context->audioFrames) >= 128) {
gSampleCount = 0;
gNewMinFrequency = map(context->analogIn[0], 0, 1.0, 1000.0f, 8000.0f);
gNewMaxFrequency = map(context->analogIn[1], 0, 1.0, 1000.0f, 8000.0f);
// Make sure max >= min
if(gNewMaxFrequency < gNewMinFrequency) {
float temp = gNewMaxFrequency;
gNewMaxFrequency = gNewMinFrequency;
gNewMinFrequency = temp;
// Request that the lower-priority task run at next opportunity
// This is a lower-priority call to update the frequencies which will happen
// periodically when the analog inputs are enabled. By placing it at a lower priority,
// it has minimal effect on the audio performance but it will take longer to
// complete if the system is under heavy audio load.
void recalculate_frequencies(void*)
float freq = gNewMinFrequency;
float increment = (gNewMaxFrequency - gNewMinFrequency) / (float)gNumOscillators;
for(int n = 0; n < gNumOscillators; n++) {
// Update the frequencies to a regular spread, plus a small amount of randomness
// to avoid weird phase effects
float randScale = 0.99 + .02 * (float)random() / (float)RAND_MAX;
float newFreq = freq * randScale;
osc.setFrequency(n, newFreq);
freq += increment;
void cleanup(BelaContext *context, void *userData)