Real-time, ultra-low-latency audio and sensor processing system for BeagleBone Black
In this project you can find a sketch.js file which is a p5.js file that is rendered in a browser tab. Click the GUI button (next to the Scope button) in the IDE to see the rendering of this file.
This example receives a buffer of data from the GUI with the X-Y coordinates of the mouse (normalised to the size of the window). The Y axis controls the pitch of an oscillator while the X axis controls L/R panning. In order to receive a buffer from the GUI, the type of the buffer and maximum number of values that it will hold need to be specified in setup: ``` myGUi.setBuffer('f', 2); ```
In this case we are expecting to receive a buffer of floats with a maximum of 2 elements. This function will return the index of the buffer (which is given automatically based on the order they are set on). This buffer will have index = 0. The buffer can then be accessed using this index: ``` DataBuffer& buffer = myGui.getDataBuffer(0); ```
Notice that the Gui::getDataBuffer() method returns a DataBuffer&
(that is: a reference to a DataBuffer). You should in turn always be storing the return value in a DataBuffer&
variable to minimize copy overhead, and ensure that it can be used safely from within a real-time context.
And its contents retrieved in the desired format (floats in this case): float* data = buffer.getAsFloat();
Additionally, two One-pole low pass filters are used to smooth the values read from the GUI and avoid glitches.